Jordan Barab at Confined Space provides Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s view about workers safety protections.
Houston firefighters don’t think their city is doing enough to protect them from carcinogens they encounter on the job. A newly authorized national firefighter cancer registry could be a place for firefighters to record data on protections provided (or not) by their municipalities.
It’s an appropriate time to highlight some of the recent evidence that we should keep in mind as abortion takes center stage in political discussions.
Recommended heat exposure standards are effective in protecting most workers from serious illness and death, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Recent pieces address the effects of detention on young migrant children; why so many women die in a “pro-life” world; the appropriate costs of defending white supremacy; and Supreme Court decisions.
Firefighter in charge of worker safety at ground zero dies from blood cancer; whistleblowers at the Department of Veterans Affairs chronicle retaliation and abuse; Oregon adopts new pesticide safety rules for farmworkers; and Massachusetts celebrates passages of $15 minimum wage and paid leave.
The latest resource list on articles and reports describing unsafe and illegal working conditions in global supply chains producing consumer goods for the world economy. There are the usual tales of exploitation and woe, but also some about hard-fought victories for supply chain workers over the past several months.
For years the coal industry has been sowing doubt about an air sampling device that is mandated in a regulation to address black lung disease. Last week a National Academies’ panel put to rest industry assertions about the accuracy of the device.
Beginning on Labor Day 2012, we have published a yearbook on U.S. occupational health and safety. Here are the links to each year’s report: The Year in U.S. Occupational Health & Safety, Fall 2018 to Fall 2019 (published Nov 21, 2019) The Year in U.S. Occupational Health & Safety, Fall 2017 to Summer 2018 (published Labor […]
An Ohio meatpacking company was subject this month to both an immigration raid and $209,000 in OSHA citations. Both are the consequence of an employer preying on workers.