August 8, 2008 The Pump Handle

The International AIDS Conference took place this week in Mexico City, and bloggers have plenty to say about it: RH Reality Check provides extensive, in-depth coverage from multiple bloggers. Marilyn Chase at WSJ’s Health blog summarizes some expert attendees’ thoughts on the future of AIDS research, the role of AIDS in healthcare system planning, reshaping […]

August 1, 2008 The Pump Handle

Bloggers keep us up to date on what’s happening in Congress: Lisa Stiffler at Dateline Earth reports that both houses have now passed legislation reducing the amount of lead and phthalates allowed in children’s products and increasing the regulatory strength of the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Andrew Plemmons Pratt at Science Progress considers FDA regulation […]

July 25, 2008 The Pump Handle

The EPA comes under scrutiny this week: Jennifer Sass at NRDC’s Switchboard applauds the agency’s proposals to cancel all uses of the pesticide carbofuran. Andrew Schneider at Secret Ingredients warns of EPA moves to water down regulations determining the cancer-causing danger of asbestos exposure. Kate Sheppard at Gristmill reports on what a Senate committee heard […]

July 18, 2008 The Pump Handle

Bloggers have alarming stories of diseases reappearing: Mike Lizza at The Lede (NYT) explores the reappearance of polio in tribal Pakistan. Tara C. Smith at Aetiology describes the hemorrhagic-fever-causing Marburg virus, which just killed a Dutch woman who traveled to Uganda. Katharine Mieszkowski at Broadsheet reports on the resurgence of measles in the U.S., and […]

July 11, 2008 The Pump Handle

Bloggers consider the disappointing results from the G8 summit: Kate Sheppard at Gristmill explains why the G8 climate agreement is not so great (especially when considered in light of goals set in 1992). Richard Littlemore at DeSmogBlog lays the blame for the G8’s climate standstill on three men. Angelique van Engelen at Triple Pundit takes […]

July 5, 2008 The Pump Handle

The big healthcare news this week was the scheduled 10% cut to Medicare physician fees, which Congress almost managed to avert. Instead, implementation of the cuts has been put on hold for two more weeks. Bloggers have more: Sarah Rubenstein at WSJ’s Health Blog gives a quick summary of the situation and explains the implications […]

June 27, 2008 The Pump Handle

Bloggers help us stay on top of environmental news: Andrew Revkin at Dot Earth brings us the grim news from a new federal report on climate change impacts: there’s a 90-percent likelihood that the frequency and intensity of heat waves and heavy downpours will rise. Andrew Schneider at Secret Ingredients reports that the Supreme Court […]

June 20, 2008 The Pump Handle

Bloggers turn their attention to the floods in the Midwest: Tara C. Smith of Aetiology is in the thick of the Iowa City-Cedar Rapids floods. She reminds us that preparedness can pay off for floods as well as flu, and that residents need to consider several health issues as the flood waters recede. We wish […]

June 13, 2008 The Pump Handle

FDA has been in the spotlight this week, and often not in a good way. Andrew Schneider at Secret Ingredients tracks the ongoing saga of the salmonella-tainted tomatoes. At WSJ’s Health Blog, Alicia Mundy reports that Congress has pressed more money on the FDA, and Theo Francis describes Senator Arlen Spector’s dissatisfaction with the agency’s […]

June 6, 2008 The Pump Handle

Bloggers have a lot of food worries: Andrew Schneider at Secret Ingredients reports that most U.S. government agencies aren’t checking meat for the antibiotic-resistant bacteria MRSA – but University of Iowa assistant professor Tara Smith (of the blog Aetiology) and her researchers found MRSA in 70% of the pigs they tested at 10 Iowa and […]