Our post on preventing falls among the elderly has been included in the latest edition of Hourglass, a monthly blog carnival devoted to the biology of aging. Alvaro at SharpBrains has assembled recent aging-related posts in a creative format; for more, check out Ouroboros for the Hourglass archive, submission info, and upcoming schedule.
Blog carnivals are regular compilations of blog posts on a chosen topic. Coturnix at A Blog Around the Clock provides a comprehensive overview of the carnival concept and regularly links to new carnival editions. Here are just a few more carnivals related to public health:
- Grand Rounds, the weekly rotating carnival of the best of the medical blogosphere
- Health Wonk Review, a biweekly compendium of the best of the health policy blogs
- Carnival of the Green, a weekly digest of the green blogosphere
- Cancer Research Blog Carnival, a monthly carnival devoted to all things cancer-related
If youâve got a favorite public health-related carnival to share, leave a link in the comments.