October 17, 2008 The Pump Handle 0Comment

Bloggers have more thoughts on the environmental and human-health impacts of the economic crisis:


Matt Madia at Reg Watch examines a new EPA rule on lead in air, which adopts a more health-protective limit recommended by its staff and advisers but uses an averaging method that’s not as protective as it could be. (Also see his post on whether OMB has weakened EPA airborne-lead monitoring efforts.)

Revere at Effect Measure highlights the latest concern about the FDA’s work on bisphenol A: a huge donation from a notorious critic of government regulation to the chair of the FDA panel considering the chemical’s safety. 

Olga Naidenko and Nneka Leiba at Enviroblog caution bottled-water buyers about contaminants that might lurk in their drinks, following Environmental Working Group tests of ten bottled waters.

Janet Stemwedel at Adventures in Ethics and Science explores the reasons why Congressional investigators are concerned about an Emory University psychiatrist’s failure to report hefty consulting fees he received from drug companies whose products he was studying.

Tammy at Weekly Toll is disappointed that the presidential candidates haven’t really addressed issues of interest to workers – like workers’ compensation and occupational health – even though the candidates assure workers they’re feeling their pain.

PalMD at denialism blog, a physician running a small business, offers his views on McCain’s healthcare plan.

Judith Helzner at RH Reality Check highlights low-tech, low-cost interventions that can improve maternal health and help meet one of the Millennium Development Goals – if there’s enough political will.

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